Aviva Drescher Net Worth 2021

  • Birthday: November 17, 1972. Aviva’s age is 48 years old but her own site list her birthday in 1970. She is a Scorpio.
  • Birthplace: New York, NY
  • Husband: Reid Drescher
  • Education: Bachelor’s Degree Vasser College, Masters Degree in French from New York University, JD from Benjamin N Cardozo School of Law.
  • Occupation: Housewife, Reality TV Star
  • Net Worth: $15 million

After five seasons of the very popular Real House Wives in New York City, Bravo decided to add a cast born and raised in the city. Wow! It’s strange that Aviva Dresser is not only a housewife who spends her husband’s money, but she is also very smart and has an impressive upbringing. She used her degree to write books, became a philanthropist, and became the mother of four children. Aviva definitely has everything. She has captured the hearts of her viewers with her prosthesis, which she obtained as a child in a farm accident. With so many layers, Aviva Dresser has the potential to become the best and most royal woman in Real House Wives in New York.

Aviva was born and raised in Manhattan on the Upper East Side, to be exact. He is from a wealthy family who was proud of his education and inherited it to his daughter. Aviva graduated from high school with an impressive 3.9 GPA and received a partial scholarship at Vassar College, where he learned English. When she was a teenager, she dreamed of becoming a writer. She later realized her dream when she published her first book, Leggie Blonde.

The title of Aviva’s memoir “Leggy Blonde” is a play about her prosthesis. Her tall blonde bomb had a serious accident on the farm as a child. The accident led to amputation of Aviva’s leg. However, her case apparently did not stop her or make her feel harmed. He has been academically outstanding throughout his life, earning a master’s degree from New York University and a two-year law degree from Benjamin N Cardoso. Aviva wanted everything and pursued all the dreams she had.

Aviva married New York real estate banker Harry Duvin. Her net worth is estimated at $ 15 million. The couple have two children, but the relationship was unfounded and failed because of their unfaithfulness. In an episode of Real House Wives in New York, it was announced that Luang was sleeping with him. But with whom did Count not sleep? Aviva went a step further and met her current husband, Reed Dretcher, in a supermarket aisle. Her two sons have loved Reed from the beginning since their previous marriage to Harry. They eventually get married and have two children together. Aviva is proud to be her housewife, but she puts a lot of effort into it.

She develops a variety of medicines, mainly vitamins. Its first release is an over-the-counter antidepressant. Aviva is also strongly involved in philanthropy. Due to her child’s accident, she became a spokesperson for One Step Ahead, an organization for amputees. He also works with Cancer Schmancer / Trash Cancer. His philanthropy and education give him more depth than any other cast.

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